Receiver - Schema validation

Sending entities between instances, as a principle, presumes they have the same schema on both the sender and the receiver. In some situations this may not be the case.

Validation of properties

Properties must have the same name and type on the receiver and sender.

If the flag ignoreMissingProperties on the transport policy is true there are two possible cases:

  1. If all the properties defined on the receiver and NOT defined on the sender are not required the operation is allowed.
  2. Otherwise a SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR response is returned.

If the flag ignoreMissingProperties on the transport policy is false (the default behaviour) there are two possible cases:

  1. If all the properties defined on the receiver are defined on the sender the operation is allowed.
  2. Otherwise a SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR response is returned.

Validation of relationships

ParentChild and ChildParent relationships

OneToMany and ManyToOne relationships